Frequently asked questions

Question Response
What is the supported data format The system accepts dates in ISO 8601 format and should be passed in local time for example:
  • 2018-10-09T09:00:00
  • 2018-10-09
  • 09:00:00
What does the term RPH mean Reference placeholder - Throughout the API we use a common travel technique of allowing you to specify an RPH for each passenger as you don't know a passengers id if you are creating a booking and passengers at the same time. You can then assign items you are purchasing to the given passenger by providing the passenger's RPH. We tend to suggest that the first passenger is passenger 1, 2nd is passenger 2 and so on.
Why do I get 429 errors We set rate limits on all API users to ensure the system is never overloaded and can perform at a reasonable performance level at all times, generally this limit is defined in requests per second, we also apply a burst mode override to this value allowing you to go over this limit infrequently.
If you hit the rate limit we will return an HTTP status of 429. Our advice would be to sleep for a second and try again.
If you hit this limit frequently please contact our support team who will discuss the situation with our client and determine if this value can be increased.
Can I add passenger names after making a booking Assuming you have access to the customer API, the answer is yes, you can change the name of any passenger and add APIS data in at a later date. However, if we are booking flights or cars for you, you must provide valid passenger names otherwise your client is likely to have to pay to change their name before departure.