Handoff files

In the modern world many of our customers choose to build their own cache's, to aid such endeavours we offer selected partners access to a collection of handoff files which we keep updated 24 hours a day with the latest prices and availability of our stock. This section describes how we deliver this data to you.

SFTP Access

The files are available via our SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) server, please contact us to gain access, uou will need to provide us with the ip addresses of the servers that will be accessing the files. As well as a public key so that we can add it to our server configuration.
Once approved we will provide you with server access details.

Directory naming convention

Once logged into the SFTP server you can list the available files, there is one file for each of the products you are entitled to view, the files are gzipped and have the following naming convention:

For example if you are entitled to view the product with id 1234 file would be named:-

File structure

The structural format of the files is confidential, if you have permission to view it can be found here.

File longevity

We routinely update the files once a night, apart from that if nothing has changed in between times the existing file will remain in place until such time as any one of the following events occurs:-

The net effect of this is that at you could see files with timestamps up to a 24 hours old, you should consider them valid.

It is up to you to keep a record of the files and only download the ones that have been modified, SFTP allows you to list the files with their timestamps and thus allows you to do this programmatically.

Frequency of update

We recommend that you check for updates every hour.